Cleaning Wastewater with J-All

Cleaning wastewater is the action of separating water from everything else. Filters, chemicals, bacteria all contribute or attempt to perform the above-mentioned task in a safe and economical way. The pollutants are numerous, from sewage, fats, grease, and oils to organic matters. 

J-All`s product operates in any organic pollution situation, either in nature such as in the open sea, lakes, or rivers or in close filtering systems such as sewage or effluents treating plants or in extreme cases lagooning. 

The cleaning action by J-All`s product is biological. It acts by decomposing all organic matter into Humus, which is beneficial to life. Although each application may require a different approach, e.g., dairy effluent, animal and human sewage, the principle of depuration remains the same.

This mineral filter will ensure an extremely low C.O.D. as well as heavy metal retention. The mineral filter is composed of Fullerenes and has the highest retention of any mineral filter. 

The mineral filter can be backwashed thus there is no need to replace the filter itself. In the event of heavy metal contamination in the treated effluent when the mineral filter is used, all backwash water and residue from the mineral filter can only be utilized for heavy metal recovery for commercial purpose or disposal. 

J-All product can decompose simultaneously many organic compounds such as fat, grease and oil often found in sewage domestic plants.

Sewage Pumping Stations:

The problems experienced in the pump stations throughout the city are caused by the fats, grease and oil build-ups found in the effluent. This originates from various restaurants, food prep factories etc.

These pump stations act as large fat traps and a crust consisting of the mentioned fats, grease, and oil forms on top of the effluent running in and out of the pump stations. The crust build-up causes the unpleasant smell and clogs the pipes over time.

J-All`s product application in any sewage plant is exceptionally simple. It utilizes the existing structure without civil engineering modifications. No damage, overdose or other is possible as J-All product is fully natural.

pH Compensation:

  • When using J-All product in a WWTP, adjusting pH is not necessary as it is done bacterio-logically by J-All. However, although it is not compulsory to stop all pH adjustments, it is therefore unnecessary. 
  • Expected results within 24 to 48 hours after application:
    a) Within one hour of application all bad odours should be eliminated.
    b) Colour of water in the aeration will change to a lighter colour indicating bacterial activity.
    c) Any surface crust in both the aerator and the clarifier will be diminished, if not eliminated.
    d) A reduction in the following will be noticed within 48 hours: 
    • TSS 
    • VSS 
    • Total Phosphates 
    • Ortho Phosphate 
    • Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 
    • Ammonia Nitrogen 
    • Nitrate Nitrogen 
    • Faecal Coliforms 
    • C.O.D.

When J-All product is used in a WWTP, traditional disinfection is not necessary as all disinfection takes place bacteriologically via J-All. It is not compulsory to switch the traditional disinfection off; it adds to the cost, and it is ultimately unnecessary.

NB: The above is at the discretion of the plant’s operator.