
Concentrated Aquaculture creates obstacles which require careful management to maintain a successful long-long-term operation.

These obstacles include:

  • Condensed marine life excretions produce a high BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
  • Reduced oxygen levels can affect the pH and alkalinity, with minimal oxygen reducing the positive bacterial activity 
  • Relationship between NH³, NOx, N², P and the BOD
  • Encouraging Phytoplankton (Phytoplankton is desirable)
  • Water opacity (it is appropriate to retain some turbidity in the water)
  • Mineralisation and the degrading of organic waste material (which mineralises aerobic nutrients) responsible for the build-up of CO² nitrates, (except if they bind themselves to simple organisms eg. Phytoplankton) or complex organisms that will result in a mix such as phosphates
  • Removal of nutrients to prevent waste with high level of N and P
  • Control of algae mucus and growth 
  • Creation of biofilm in the water
  • Balancing and harmonising the above

J-All Aquaculture Application:

The initial process using J-All`s organic culture to decompose fish excrement, sand nutrients is to use the BOD to calculate the measure required. Generally, the production of 1 Kg of fish will produce 1 Kg waste.

The important waste factors are:

  • Ammonia-N Nitrite-N 
  • Phosphate-P 
  • Suspended Solids 
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

COD is directly proportional to the aeration system installed. Important to note is that J-All`s organic product is made up of aerobic bacteria requiring a minimum oxygen level to thrive. 

The rest can be maintained by the application of J-All H²O culture. 

BOD is generally 7.5% of the solids.

J-All H²O culture facts:

Using J-All H²O will encourage natural decomposition of excrement and nutrient residues by removing the water quality-altering causes. 

The bacteria use oxygen in J-All H²O to decay the excrement and food residue. Water oxygen levels should be regularly checked (in mg/L) to prevent a build-up of nutrients thereby reducing oxygen levels for the marine life.

Use of J-All H²O removes slime, mucus and biofilm

J-All H²O helps maintain an optimum pH balance. 

J-All H²O bacteria convert ammonia and nitrates into proteins, creating mud flakes and also removing this same major threat to fish (ammonia and nitrates), the BOD is quickly depleted when phosphorus remains in the silt.

J-All H²O has no impact on Phytoplankton

Cleaning & aquatic plants:

Water regulation is a mix of filtration, positive bacterial action, J-All H²O and, if possible, utilisation of marine plants to take up the N and P from the waste.

Floating plants like Lemna Minor and Acquariofilia Consapevole, normally seen in Aquaculture ponds, will lower water turbidity, absorb all nutrients, and create enough of a canopy to greatly reduce photosynthesis inhibiting algae growth.

J-All H²O converts all waste and nutrient residues in the silt, thereby creating an effective mud cleanser. This cleanser system uses a percolation-action to guarantee that no solid matter returns to the water, and as this combination uses a percolator-type filter, only evaporation losses will need to be replenished.

The description and application can be found in the Aquaculture pamphlet.