Sewage & Water Remediation
Sewage cleanup products made by J-All are entirely natural and safe for the environment. 42 different bacterial species produce a wide range of enzymes that combine to naturally speed up biodegradation.
- Sewage Systems
- French Drains
- Industrial Waste
- Septic Tanks
- Pit Latrines
J-All Benefits to Sewage
By keeping all organisms hydrated, the manufacturing/packaging procedure ensures that no dormant species exist when the product is applied. The remediation process is quick and easy because the bacteria do not need to be rehydrated.
The bacteria shelf life is 5 years when stored at room temperature and in their original polymeric units.
Properly applied J-All products biotechnology eliminates E.coli bacteria in a period of two hours. The timeframe is related to the natural life of E.coli bacteria whereby the only way to eradicate them immediately, is by using chemical products, which result in pollution of the water.
Vira Cholera and Nocardia proliferation are effectively controlled and, ultimately, eradicated in a sewage reservoir with adequate levels of the bacteria mixture. It has also been discovered through trials in Argentina, that J-All products inhibits the development of mosquito larvae by eliminating their food sources.
How It Works
J-All products destroys all pathogens in raw sewage. Wherever it establishes a colony, it becomes dominant in that area by both eating the food that pathogens feed on as well as by consuming them. Biologically, J-All products are extremely competitive and withstands aggressive attacks from other organisms that attempt to compete for the same space. The robustness of J-All product is attributed to the micro-alveoli granules they inhabit. These granules maximize the surface area the bacteria can occupy, thereby ensuring that they always outnumber other micro-organisms at the points of contact.
From the first treatment, one can expect to observe a constantly increased elimination of C.O.D’s, B.O.D’s, phosphorous and ammonia. A potent de-nitrifying action transforms the sewage’s nitrogen content into nutritious substances which vegetation can readily assimilate.
With their quick replication, J-All product bacteria breakdown hazardous organisms and organic pollutants in aerated, raw sewage. When there is no oxygen or inert organic materials available to them, they stop multiplying.
Enviornmentally Friendly
The J-All products discharge is environmentally friendly and coupled with the correct dosage and retention time, can be considered a high-quality organic fertilizer. Well treated sewage effluent is ideal for use as nutrient-rich, irrigation water. It contains all the minerals in safe and organic compounds, with no harmful pathogens which can poison the land, or crops.
Raw sewage is converted into zooplankton food, which can be consumed safely by freshwater and marine species; the aquaculture sector uses J-All products to support fish health.
All agriculture and fishing products extracted from areas using the discharged effluent are safe for human consumption.
Sewage plants utilising J-All product will cut down on manual labour. MBR plants will experience a drop in the need for de-clogging membranes, due to the fats & greases levels being much lower than usual. Solids are softer and lighter, easing the workload on mechanical tools and equipment thereby increasing their lifespan. The build-up of solids takes longer thus decreasing the frequency of needing removal.
Noxious and offensive odours are significantly reduced, creating a safer and more comfortable work environment. J-All product destroys the organisms that emit noxious gasses.
The bacteria must have a relatively low oxygen concentration of 0.2 mg/Lt in order to thrive. Only when the reservoir is entirely stagnant is aeration necessary.
After the initial dosing, the amount of J-All product required to maintain effective bacterial levels in the plant, is 1% to 5% of that initial dose. The ability to lower the dosage is achieved by retaining the bio-solids, which are rich in the good bacteria. Operation costs are reduced once good bio-solid management is attained.
After the initial dosing, the amount of J-All product required to maintain effective bacterial levels in the plant, is 1% to 5% of that initial dose. The ability to lower the dosage is achieved by retaining the bio-solids, which are rich in the good bacteria. Operation costs are reduced once good bio-solid management is attained.
The work rate of the bacteria slows down as ambient temperature decreases but remains effective until 7 degrees Celsius.
Sewage Pumping Stations:
The problems experienced in the pump stations throughout the city are caused by the fats, grease and oil build-ups found in the effluent. This originates from various restaurants, food prep factories etc.
These pump stations act as large fat traps and a crust consisting of the mentioned fats, grease, and oil forms on top of the effluent running in and out of the pump stations. The crust build-up causes the unpleasant smell and clogs the pipes over time.
J-All product application in any sewage plant is exceptionally simple. It utilizes the existing structure without civil engineering modifications. No damage, overdose or other is possible as J-All product is fully natural.
Disinfection and Chlorination / Ultraviolet / Ozone:
When J-All product is used in a WWTP, traditional disinfection is not necessary as all disinfection takes place bacteriologically via J-All. It is not compulsory to switch the traditional disinfection off; it adds to the cost, and it is unnecessary.
NB: The above is at the discretion of the plant’s operator.
Cleaning Wastewater with J-All
Cleaning wastewater is the action of separating water from everything else. Filters, chemicals, bacteria all contribute or attempt to perform the above-mentioned task in a safe and economical way. The pollutants are numerous, from sewage, fats, grease, and oils to organic matters. J-All product operates in any organic pollution situation, either in nature such as in the open sea, lakes, or rivers or in close filtering systems such as sewage or effluents treating plants or in extreme cases lagooning.
The cleaning action by J-All product is biological. It acts by decomposing all organic matter into CO² and Humus, which is beneficial to life. Although each application may require a different approach, e.g., dairy effluent, animal and human sewage, the principle of depuration remains the same.
This mineral filter will ensure an extremely low C.O.D. as well as heavy metal retention. The mineral filter is composed of Fullerenes and has the highest retention of any mineral filter. The mineral filter can be backwashed thus there is no need to replace the filter itself. In the event of heavy metal contamination in the treated effluent when the mineral filter is used, all backwash water and residue from the mineral filter can only be utilized for heavy metal recovery for commercial purpose or disposal.
J-All product can decompose simultaneously many organic compounds such as fat, grease and oil often found in sewage domestic plants.

pH Compensation:
When using J-All product in a WWTP, adjusting pH is not necessary as it is done bacterio-logically by J-All. However, although it is not compulsory to stop all pH adjustments, it is therefore unnecessary.
Expected Results: 24 to 48 hours
Within one hour of application all bad odours should be eliminated.
Colour of water in the aeration will change to a lighter colour indicating bacterial activity.
Any surface crust in both the aerator and the clarifier will be diminished, if not eliminated.
A reduction in the following will be noticed within 48 hours:
TSS, VSS, Total Phosphates, Ortho Phosphate, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Faecal Coliforms, C.O.D.