Oil Remediation
Application Methods
J-All`s organic product can be applied with any commercially available small spray apparatus to large tanks with mechanised pumping devices, machinery with boom sprayers, or crop-dusting aircraft fitted with liquid spray devices. J-All`s organic product can also be applied using a fluid flow pump from any vehicle fitted with the appropriate equipment.
- Waste Oil Remediation
- Marine Contamination
- Soil Pollution
- Oil Wells
- Drilling Mud
Dilution and Treatment Rate:
J-All`s organic product usually takes 5-50 minutes to permeate hydrocarbon walls. Warmer conditions encourage quicker biological reactions, colder conditions will reduce the decomposition speed. After J-All s organic product is used on the affected area, the hydrocarbons attach to the microbes and attack the carbons metabolising into humus. Marine life and plants feed off this nutrient.
Within hours odour will be negligible and visible changes will occur in around a week, subject to the temperature. After J-All s organic product has been used on the oil, decomposition will still take place if the oil sinks or breaks up until all the oil disintegrates. J-All s organic product also destroys the bonding agents in hydrocarbons thus preventing the oil from binding to minerals, soil, florae, and fauna.
J-All s organic product Application Concentration ratios:
Autochthonous water will be used to dilute J-All s organic product for use in the impacted area, e.g. if treating a saltwater area, we use saltwater for the base carrier for the J-All s organic product. Similarly, we can also use locally sourced fresh water as the carrier to treat lakes or rivers.
To resolve petroleum hydrocarbon spills on drier areas not incorporating bodies of water, an EPA-accepted naturally absorbent material, eg. saw-dust or rice-husk is recommended to be laid down before the use of J-All`s organic product to maximise the surface area contact of the J-All s organic product; this will then modify the spilled oil and absorbent material changing it into humus.
Dilution Rate for Coastal Water Spills:
Apply the prepared solution using small or large sprayers or handheld, tanked sprayers, vessel booms or aircraft. Initially spray the outside edge of the affected area and work inwards over the spill, coating the complete surface of the spill.
Per 1000 gallons of spill volume, use 1.5 gallons of J-All`s organic product concentrate, diluted in the ratio of 1:30 – i.e.. for spraying use 30 gallons of seawater per gallon of concentrate or use 2 Kg / 4.4 lbs J-All`s organic product per metric tonne of spilled oil.
Depending on if the oil spill is deep or whether there is a film of oil, dilution rates will vary.
Application for tidal shore Zones:
J-All`s organic product should be used when the affected areas are exposed to the elements at low tide giving the best opportunity for J-All to securely adhere to the hydrocarbons. If the tide rises, resume once the water has receded. Maintain this application cycle until all the area affected is treated. The microbes will remain in place to begin decomposition if re-contamination arises in the area.
Where the contaminate oil layer is in areas beyond the intertidal zone, cordon off the area from access and spraying diluted J-All`s organic product at a ratio of 1:20 in water. The aim is an application rate for J-All Mix Aqua of 1-2 gallons of concentrate per 1000 gallons of hydrocarbon spill.
J-All`s organic product use autochthonous locally naturally occurring water, ie. if the intertidal zone is close by the sea, mix J-All`s organic product with salt water; if brackish water, use local brackish water and if the tidal shore zone is near fresh water, rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, creeks, aquifers, or drinking water wells) use fresh water to mix J-All s organic product.